Can My Weed Go Bad?
This has been an age old debate among avid Cannabis users for decades, and even to this day this debate still rages on.
On one side there’s the scientifically savvy consumer on the other the experienced traditionalist.
Ultimately they’re both wrong and both right at the same time.
“Wait!?! How can this be the case?” you may ask.
Simply put, the organic variety of Cannabis -Weed, Mary Jane, Pot, Dope, Yarndi or what ever your local slang for Marijuana is- is more or less simply a dried herb that has a Best Before Date, and not an actual Expiry Date.
Just like how the standard dried herbs that are used in cooking, can loose their flavor and potency over time, so too can dehydrated Marijuana. All dried herbs, Marijuana included, can still be used when aged. They just wont have the same flavor profile or kick as a fresh stash.
If It’s Still Good? Then Why Is There A Debate At All?
Dry Marijuana is not like fine cheese or bottle of wine. It doesn’t build a stronger flavor profile with age.
Quite the opposite really, aged Marijuana can go stale and not only lose its flavor over time, but if allowed to dry out it can begin to taste quite terrible.
The difference of opinions, steams not from the differing flavor palettes of users. But from the opposing views of an individuals opinion of what’s deemed a suitable or safe quality that they think is acceptable for consumption, or Health and Hygiene issues in short.
Ask yourself this, “would you eat a moldy piece of fruit?”
I’m not meaning to put anyone down here, but just as there are those in the community that would happily consume food that has gone past its expiry date or gone moldy. There are those who would rather not let their stash go to waste no matter what condition its in, whether its due to a tight budget or because they like to be as thrifty as possible, they will still use Marijuana that taste terrible or has become toxic.
Dehydrated Marijuana loses its quality when its exposed to heat, moister, light and air. These quality changes can be as simple as the taste is now bad or its beginning to rot or grow mold.
What Would Be Marijuana’s Best Before Date
A perfectly processed flower that is store in the the optimal and ideal conditions could theoretically last for 12-24 months. This would require it being stored without accessing it for that time frame.
A more practical and realistic consensus on how long Marijuana could be stored for is up to 6 months if its being stored in and air tight glass or ceramic jar, out of sunlight and in a cool, dark area.
If your Marijuana is drying out, place a wet cotton swab, or cotton ball in the jar with the Marijuana. Don’t let it make contact with the plant though and it will re-hydrate it extending its storage time.
You must make sure however, that you don’t let the plant get wet. Getting it wet could encourage mold growth making it unsafe to smoke.
How Should I Store My Stash?
If you are looking to stock up for an emergency situation, such as the Zombie Apocalypse, and want to store your stash for more then 6 months.
Then you’ll need to use a vacuum sealed bag, and have it stored in a cool dry place.
Maybe even in a locked safe box to keep it secure and out of reach of the kids, or a tupperware container to try and protect it from vermin and pests.
If its more of a general storage you had in mind, then there are many variables to consider when trying to work out how to store your Marijuana to extend its Best Before Date.
- There’s the actual strain of the Cannabis to consider
- The drying Process used to produce the Marijuana
- What it’s being stored in
- Exposure to heat, air and light
Different strains degrade at different rates, they can also be more resistant to mold then the other strains, and may hold their potency for longer as well.
The level of moister content can be affected by the curing process used. Air/Sun drying will yield a different moister content compared to curing in a commercial dehydrator. An ideal 15% moister content would allow for use when purchased, as well as storage for latter use.
Dry Marijuana can taste foul, it can have a harsh taste that can upset the stomach as well as burn the throat and lungs when inhaled.
Exposure to the elements will impact on its quality.
- Storing your Marijuana in a freezer can cause freezer burn or even dry it out faster
- Not ideal for smoking, but may be a viable option to help break it up for homemade edibles
- Even storing it in a ZIP Locked bag (baggie) can still dry out the Marijuana
- Keeping your baggie in the open, exposed to the air flow from an air conditioner can also speed this process up
- Having it exposed to sunlight can cause it to breath and sweat which can also lead to mold growth.
- Keep it out of direct sunlight or ultraviolet light as it can break down the chemical composition converting the THC into CBN which is a less potent psychoactive compound then the THC
- Not to mention that it can speed up the drying process if there’s no barrier to capture the moisture when it breaths
- Maintain a stable temperature as fluctuating temperatures can lead to the chemical composition breaking down
- A cool dark space is ideal
- Storing your stash above you stove, near the motor of your air conditioner or anything else that can build up heat is best avoided
- Do not store it in your Glove Compartment or on dash board of your car during summer. The heat from the sun could over heat your car ruining your stash.
- The potency could be affected
- The flavor could change
- It could sweat making the plant wet and mold could begin to grow
- Keep it dry, do not at any point let your stash get wet
- This can lead to mold growth if not rot
- Smoking a moldy plant is inadvisable as it can lead to health complication
Why Is Moldy Weed Bad?
Despite what some people may tell you, Dank Weed is not safe to smoke.
Moldy Marijuana would contain pathogenic storage molds like aspergillus which produces mycotoxins that can cause headaches, vomiting, and diarrhea, and can lead to liver cancer, to name a few health problems it can cause.
The follow images are examples of moldy and rotten weed:

Moldy Weed

Rotten Weed
Smoking moldy Marijuana is realistically no different to licking or sniffing black mold off of your walls.
How Do I Check That The Quality Of My Marijuana Is Still Good?
It is best to examine your stash before use. Get to know what you have in stock, how it looks, how it smells.
Use these three basic senses and you’ll be able to see the changes in your stash that can warn you of potential problems.
- Look – Get to know the shape, color and texture of your Marijuana when its healthy.
- Examine it closely and check for changes in color and pattern.
- Has it darken or lightened?
- Are there spots of white or black patches that weren’t there before?
- Has its shape changed? Is it now more swollen the it was before?
- A paler color could indicate its drying out, while a darker color could mean that its getting wet.
- Examine it closely and check for changes in color and pattern.
- Touch – A fresh and healthy supply has a spongy, springy feel when pressure is applied. There is also a slight tackiness too it as well.
- Pick it up and roll it in your fingers, give it a squeeze and spread it apart.
- Does it feel heavier or lighter?
- Does it bounce back after you’ve touched it?
- Is it crumbling apart at the touch?
- Does it feel sticky and not so much tacky?
- Dried Marijuana breaks off easily and crumbles to the touch. If it turns to powered in your hands, its well beyond its Best Before Date. If it feels stickier then before then it may be either rotting or infested with mold.
- Pick it up and roll it in your fingers, give it a squeeze and spread it apart.
- Smell – Get to know the smell of your stash. Any changes could indicate that its wet or mold may have taken hold, sometimes you can smell it before you can see it.
- The smell will reduce as it ages and it loses its potency, this cant be avoided.
- Is the smell still as strong as before?
- Does it make your mouth water or does it make you feel sick?
- Would you say it smells more like fish, eggs, vinegar or over ripe fruit?
- As the stash dries out the smell becomes fainter and harder to notice, just like cooking herbs do. If the smell changes and becomes a stronger less pleasant smell, more then likely your stash is rotten or full of mold. Either smell is not pleasant, if noticed it would be advisable to amuse the who stash is contaminated as the spores and moister would be affecting every bud you have in that container or bag you have them stored in.
- The smell will reduce as it ages and it loses its potency, this cant be avoided.
Never restock the same container or fill it up. Always cycle through fresh containers to avoid carrying unseen pathogens over to your next supply.
If you want to top up your current stash but don’t want more then one container at a time.
Then make sure that you transfer the old stash onto the new stock, you want it at the top of the pile.
By putting new stock on top of old, you are only delaying when you get the older stash, which could either result in your fresh stock becoming contaminated if it were to spoil or leaving you with a stale supply when you finally get to it.
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