Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Health Benefits and Uses

There are several health benefits to taking Hemp Oil and CBD Oil products. Although both oils are derived from the Cannabis plants, they are not sourced from the same parts of the plant. Extracting the oils from these different parts of the plant, gives Hemp Oil different health benefits to that of CBD Oil. The oils can also be used in different products, giving them different uses and applications.

Which Cannabis Plants are Used to Make Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil are made from the same Genus of Cannabis, Hemp. There are several strains of Hemp, but what makes them different from the Marijuana strains, is that they contain very low levels of THC; the psychoactive compound that’s responsible for getting people high.

Hemp is also the most common genus of cannabis that can be legally grown in most countries that permit commercial cannabis production. This is due to its relatively low THC levels, so getting high on Hemp is a rather hard thing to do. This is why countries are more likely to allow the cultivation and production of Hemp and hemp based products, over other strains of the Marijuana genus.

The Marijuana genus of cannabis, have higher levels of THC compared to that of any Hemp strain. With an average level of 15%-20% THC, this makes most Marijuana strains unsuitable for general use CBD Oil products. In fact, you’ll find that most products containing oils extracted from Marijuana strains are regulated in a similar manner to how alcohol and tobacco products are sold. If you see an oil that has a higher level of THC concentration, then it is no longer considered a CBD oil. Instead, it should be labeled as a THC Oil, as it can have psychoactive effects, and will most likely effect your cognitive capabilities.

What is the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?

What it ultimately boils down to, is which part of the plant the oils have been extracted from. Hemp Oil is primarily extracted from the seeds, where as CBD Oil is extracted from the leaves, flowers and occasionally the stems or stalks of the the plant.

When you see “Hemp Oil” on a product, it would be safe to assume that the oil used in its production was extracted from the Hemp Seeds only. These products tend to be free of THC, or rather, only contain extremely low levels.

The term “CBD Oil”, should only be used on products that contain oil that was extracted from the leaves, flowers and occasionally the stems of the plant. CBD Oils extracted from Hemp plants have the highest levels of Cannabidiol (CBD) of any cannabis oils. They can contain up to 0.3% THC, but it’s not enough to get you high. It can however, help to provide you with some additional benefits.

For more information on the difference between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil products, please have a read of our article Sativa/Hemp Products VS CBD Products.

How to Tell if it’s a Quality Oil

As there is a difference in CBD levels, you will need to check the ingredients list to see if the oil was extracted from the seeds, or if it was extracted from the plant. If the ingredients list includes hemp seeds, with no mention of CBD levels, then you more then likely have a Hemp Oil.

If the product has a CBD concentration level of 10% or more, then it is more then likely that you have a genuine CBD Oil product. This still applies even if Hemp Seeds were included in its production. Hemp Seeds are unable to yield a viable amount of CBD, but they can still be found in some CBD products.

For a higher quality oil, you may also want to check to see how it was produced. There are several ways that the oils can be extracted from the plants and seeds; with some producing a better purity than others. For the best quality oils, we recommend using CO2 Cold Pressed Oil products. Oils produced this way have less impurities, and contain higher levels of the beneficial compounds that can be extracted from the seeds and plant material.

Health Benefits to Using Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil can be taken many different ways. They can be consumed in liquid form, capsules, or found in food. CBD Oil can also be found as a rubbing oil, and creams. While Hemp Oil can also be found in soaps and shampoos, moisturizers, and creams. These types of cannabis based products can be used to treat various conditions, and can have have some of the following benefits.

CBD Oil Benefits

The higher the CBD concentration in the oil, the more effective the oil can be. CBD (Cannabidiol) is known for being a natural anti-inflammatory, and some studies have found that it can help to alleviate painful conditions.

1) Improved Sleep

Taking CBD Oil in the evening, can help to improve your nights sleep. Some people have found that it helps them to fall asleep sooner. Others have found that it can help them to fall into a deeper sleep.

2) Anxiety

By helping to entice the brain to release serotonin, CBD Oil can be used to alleviate some anxiety conditions.

3) Stress Based Muscle Tension

Taking CBD Oil on a regular basis, can help to keep stress induced muscle tension to a minimum. As CBD can help to relax the body, it has the benefit of releasing the muscle tension we can carry while we are under pressure.

4) Anti-Inflammatory

Sore muscles and inflamed joints, could benefit from having CBD Oil or creams rubbed and massaged into them.

5) Pain Management

Depending on the condition at hand, CBD Oil can help to relieve nerve pain, and pain that is being caused by inflammation.

6) Dietary Supplement

Full Spectrum CBD Oil can also be considered a super food, and is suitable to be used as part of a balanced diet. The CBD Oil is a good source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins.

7) Acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD Oil can also be used to treat some painful acne conditions. The oil itself can be absorbed, taking the anti-inflammatory properties deeper into the skin, all without clogging the pores.

8) MS – Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

For the treatment of MS, research has found that using CBD Oil based products can be beneficial for alleviating symptoms caused by the condition. The Cannabidiol in these products has been contributed for the benefits that have been found in test subjects.

For more information, please read our article on Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil and Cannabiniods in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment.

Hemp Oil Benefits

CBD Oil may have the benefit of containing Cannabidiol, but there are limitations to the way that it can be used in other products. It also has lower a concentration of nutrients and vitamins. The Hemp Seed, or Hemp Heart as it is also known, is a very nutritious food source. As such, the oils that are extracted from these seeds, are also high in the same nutrients and vitamins.

If you are interested in trying out some tasty hemp heart recipes, be sure to check out our recipe articles:

1) Lower Cholesterol

Hemp oil is high in phytosterol, a good plant based cholesterol. When eaten, phytosterol can help to lower how much the body can absorb bad cholesterol LDL, or Low-Density Lipoprotein. By lowering the amount of LDL that the body can absorb during digestion, you can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

2) High in Vitamin E

Hemp Oil contains more vitamin E than most other edible Oils. This is because Hemp Oil has all four different types of tocopherols and tocotrenols. Vitamin E is an fat-soluble nutrient that helps to protect the cells of your body from damage.

3) Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hemp Oil is a good source of nature’s own anti-inflammatory fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-3. When taken as part of a balanced daily diet, Hemp Oil can help to reduce inflammation. This has the added benefit of relieving painful conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, and improving movement.

4) Skin Care and Conditions

Various skin conditions such as Dry Skin, Psoriasis, Eczema, and Acne, can all benefit from using Hemp Oil based creams and ointments. The fatty acids, vitamin E and soluble nature of the oil, helps to nourish and replenish the skin. There are several different Hemp Oil based products out there, so be sure to choose one that’s right for you.

5) Fatty Acid Supplement

Being such a good source of essential fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, Hemp Oil is a good choice of supplement for our Vegetarian and Vegan Readers. Whole hemp hearts are also a great source of plant based protein as well.

6) Improved Digestion

Hemp Oil has been found to help promote the growth of good bacterial cultures in the stomach and intestines.

7) Hair Care

Shampoos can carry some harsh soaps that are capable of stripping moisture out of your hair. Alternatively, there are Hemp Oil based hair care products that can be used to help soften and replenish your hair strands, follicles, and scalp.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to use the product that best suits your needs. If you are looking to use Hemp Oil or CBD Oil products to treat a medical condition, or if you are already taking medication; we would advise for you to first seek medical advice. Some medications can be effected by Cannabidiol (CBD), so it would be best to get this checked first.

Aside from potential medication issues, Hemp Oil and CBD Oil products are fairly safe to use. Just take it easy your first time consuming these products. If you take too much before your body can get use to it, you may end up with an upset stomach.

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